switching servers
572 days were accounted for in the output of uptimed but I had this same Linode allocated to me since oct 20th 2008, thats about 30 months that it has been up and run a variety of distros starting with Gentoo, then CentOS 5, Debian, and now I am switching to a new linode running Ubuntu server LTE 10.04.
root@steni / $uprecords
Uptime | System Boot up
1 236 days, 23:10:44 | Linux Tue Oct 27 18:48:32 2009
2 220 days, 09:51:07 | Linux Mon Jun 21 19:00:39 2010
3 109 days, 15:10:44 | Linux Fri Jul 10 00:29:42 2009
-> 4 11 days, 05:28:18 | Linux Fri Jan 28 09:14:53 2011
1up in 98 days, 09:42:27 | at Wed May 18 01:28:29 2011
no1 in 225 days, 17:42:27 | at Thu Sep 22 09:28:29 2011`
The justification for deploying to another server instead of keeping this one came from the fact that I wanted to switch to a 32bit OS and also wanted to run Nginx as a front end proxy for the sites I was hosting to get better performance from its caching module.