Distributed Flatfile Task App Stack
I’ve been using an interesting Android task app for a couple of months now called Simpletask (Source) [not pictured above] and I feel like I’ve used it long enough now to be able to give it a fair review over some of the other stuff I have tried for task management.
I’m still using a lot of other task management apps for things like software development and project planning, but Simpletask and the ecosystem it’s based on have some unique characteristics and advantages that can also potentially fit really well into your workflow.
Small Tabletop Chest: Intermediate Woodworking Project
This small tabletop chest was inspired from a design copied from the class project of Camille Larrey’s Intermediate Woodworking Class at ACC. It was made based off of a diagram of general parts required and the overall dimensions of 18x10x10’'.
In features 24 dovetails for the upper drawers and an additional 12 for the panels. In the rendering the cabinet panels are using the “Wood Cherry Original” material from sketch up while the drawer fronts “birds eye maple” and side panels, “cherry finished” from an article on wood grain textures1 however when it came down to purchasing lumber I only went with two species.
From Django Zinnia Blog to Jekyll Static Sites
I’ve been neglecting my homepage for a while, and as a dynamic site written in Django, it is harder to manage and I just don’t want to spend the same amount of effort anymore to run a page I don’t frequently update.
To remedy this, I decided to throw everything into static files and build the static files when I do deploys of new content instead of dynamically rendering the pages on each request.
Running Asterisk SIP Trunks in Docker
With the new release of Docker 0.11 it has finally become easy to run Asterisk inside of Docker. Instead of port forwarding your RDP and SIP ports, you can now pass –net=host to Docker and avoid all those NAT SIP header rewriting issues. My start_asterisk configuration is below and beneath that is a second command I use for accessing the Asterisk Shell.
$ docker run -d -v /opt/asterisk/voicemail:/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail -v \
/opt/asterisk/monitor:/var/spool/asterisk/monitor -v /opt/asterisk/etc:/etc/asterisk -v \
/opt/asterisk/run:/var/run/asterisk --net=host asterisk asterisk -v
$ docker run -i -v /opt/asterisk/run:/var/run/asterisk -t asterisk asterisk -rvvv
Before running the above commands, you need to build the docker image which is done by running ….
960.gs html framework
960 grid system is a fixed width html layout framework. There is a bad ass generator at http://960ls.atomidata.com/ that used to be linked from the main page, and I have no idea why it is not there any more. Rank it up google!